Evaluation of Performance Barley Cultivation Using Different Types of Water Sources


  • Suhair Luay Ministry of the Water Recourses, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Khaldoun Ibrahim Abbas National Center for Water Resources Management – Ministry of Water Resources – Baghdad
  • Ibrahim Abbas Dawood National Center for Water Resources Management – Ministry of Water Resources – Baghdad
  • Ahmed Hatif Salim National Center for Water Resources Management – Ministry of Water Resources – Baghdad


Barley, dairy wastewater, groundwater, yield, Soil salinization.


The main objective of research is to study the impact of dairy effluents and groundwater on barley (Hordeum vulgare) growth, yield, and soil salinization. The experiment was conducted at Al-Raid research station/ the national center for water resources management, for the winter season (2018-2019). three irrigation treatments – T1: irrigation by treated dairy wastewater effluents, T2: irrigation by groundwater, T3: irrigation by river water (control). There was a significant effect of irrigation water quality at (p = 0.05) on the height and grain yield of barley. The highest mean for barley length was recorded for T1 in the middle of the season and was (73.7 cm), while T2 produced the highest mean for barley length at the end of the season and was (102.1 cm). T2 produced the highest grain yield (1920 kg/ha), whereas T3 produced the lowest grain yield (1310.7 kg/ha). For all the treatments, soil EC recorded higher values at the end of the season compared with the pre-study values. Soil pH was not affected by irrigation with the treated wastewater and groundwater. The concentrations of )Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO42+( increased for T1 and T2. Meanwhile, there was a slight decrease in the concentration of these elements for T3. This study revealed that barley showed higher growth and yield under treated dairy wastewater and groundwater irrigation.


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How to Cite

Luay , S. ., Ibrahim, K., Dawood , I. A. ., & Salim, A. H. . (2023). Evaluation of Performance Barley Cultivation Using Different Types of Water Sources. Journal of Water Resources and Geosciences, 2(2), 146–158. Retrieved from http://jwrg.gov.iq/index.php/jwrg/article/view/146-158