238U activity Measurement by CR- 39 for some water stations in Baghdad City


  • Hamsa S. Mahdi Radiation Protection Center (RPC)
  • Mazen M.Attia Radiation Protection Center (RPC)
  • Sabaah Hasan Radiation Protection Center (RPC)


The study aims to provide a base-line data for the effective monitoring of 238U content in water investigated areas: AL-Rasafah (R), AL-Bladiat (B), AL-Whdah (Wh), AL-Rasheed (Ra) and AL-Jadriya(J). Attempts were made in order to measure the 238 U concentration level in 10 samples of a station water taken form first and final stages. The content of 238U was obtained by using   CR-39 technique. Results showed that the uranium concentration (uc) for 238U the range was from (2.50μg/l) in (J1) to (4.90μg/l ) in (R1) for the first stage (river water) with an average of (3.66 μg/l), while the UC in the final stage ( drinking water) at all water stations ranged from (1.32 μg/l) in (J2) to (1.95) μg/l in (R2) with an average of (1.68) μg/L), while the activity of 238U for water samples in the final stage at all water stations from (16.30 mBq/l) in (J2) to (24. 08 mBq/l) in ( R2), with an average (20.84 mBq/l). The values of UC for 238U in all water samples for both stages were less than (WHO) values which was in the safe limit (15 μg/l).The results can be reflected by the Tigris River water cleanliness against radioactivity contamination.


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How to Cite

saad, hamsa, Attia, M. M., & Hasan , S. . (2022). 238U activity Measurement by CR- 39 for some water stations in Baghdad City. Journal of Water Resources and Geosciences, 1(2), 18–31. Retrieved from http://jwrg.gov.iq/index.php/jwrg/article/view/25