Evaluation of the water duty for Al-Kifil project according to the change of factors affecting it


  • Ali H. Hommadi National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water Resources, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ghaith M. Ali Mageed National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water Resources, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Shatha Salem Al-Rawi Ministry of Water Resources, Iraq
  • Raafat N. Abd Al Ghani National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water Resources, Baghdad, Iraq


To have a system of crop irrigation close to the ideal and to reduce the losing in irrigation projects by conventional irrigation and for controlling on irrigation water in Iraq, it should be sure that checking of the calculation water duty for the projects. Example of it, Al-Kifil Project, it is located at upstream of Al Hindiya Regulator in the province of Babil and  it extends to Karbala and ends in AL Kifil area within borders of AL Najaf Province. For calculating of the water duty for the project, it requires calculating the water consumption as well as the agricultural density of the cultivated crops to obtain the actual water that reaches the field. In present study, The water duty will be found based on data from 2014-2017, as the current  water duty is 1.04 liters / sec / hectare, while the quota is 0.91 liters / sec / hectare increasing  14.3% because of global warming , climate changes and  the entry of additional area for irrigation. On the other hand, climatic changes lead to an increase in the concentration of salts in water and soil, and this leads to an increase in washing requirements. Therefore, it is preferable to use drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation to ration water and fill the water shortage. Reducing agricultural areas due to population expansion and shifting the land gender from agricultural to residential will reduce the irrigated area and thus reduce the amount of water used to 3.5%, as this requires a review of the cultivated areas, in addition to clearing rivers of sedimentation, especially in the front of the Kifl table, will help in preparing The designed quantity for irrigation, as well as the change of land use from field cultivation to orchards.



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How to Cite

Hommadi, A. H. ., ALsaffar, G., Al-Rawi, S. S. ., & Abd Al Ghani , R. N. . (2022). Evaluation of the water duty for Al-Kifil project according to the change of factors affecting it. Journal of Water Resources and Geosciences, 1(2), 131–152. Retrieved from http://jwrg.gov.iq/index.php/jwrg/article/view/29