The Effect of the Geometry of the Head Race Channel of Proposed Makhoul Dam on the Velocities Distribution within the Reservoir of the Dam


  • Mohaned M. Al Tawash General Commission for projects Maintenance, Ministry off Waters Resources, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Hayder A. Al Thamiry University of Baghdad - College of Engineering Sciences - Baghdad-Iraq


Hydraulic Study, Dam Guides, HEC-RAS, Makhoul Lake


The Makhoul Dam project is considered one of the important strategic projects that Iraq is studying the possibility of establishing. It is located on the Tigris River about 170 km north of Baghdad Capital Particularly on the northeastern side of Sallah Al-Din City, about 30 km northwest of Baji town. This research aims to investigate the effect of the Geometry of the U/S Head Race Channel of the dam (dam guides) on the distribution of velocities inside Makhoul Dam Reservoir with different operating conditions for the spillway. A mathematical model is prepared by using HHEC--RRASS 2DD program version (5.0.7, 2016) to analyze the velocity distributions inside Makhoul Dam Lake. The two dimensional hydraulic model is calibrated using a wide range of Manning’s coefficient (n) that are ranged from 0.02 to 0.03. The agreement of velocity patterns resulting from using the Mathematical model was evaluated by using a statistical index of agreement, chi-square (x2). A good agreement was obtained when the Manning's coefficient is 0.026. The results showed the effect of the Head Race Channel on the velocities distribution is focused in the region outside the concrete part of the dam body (between the embankment guides) for all operating conditions. As there is no effect of the dam's embankment guides for the head race channel on the distribution of velocities in the area between the concrete part of the dam body. The maximum flow velocity between the embankment guides is 3 m/sec in the case of guides, and 2.5 m/sec in the absence of the dam guides.


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How to Cite

M. Al Tawash , M., & A. Al Thamiry, H. . (2024). The Effect of the Geometry of the Head Race Channel of Proposed Makhoul Dam on the Velocities Distribution within the Reservoir of the Dam. Journal of Water Resources and Geosciences, 3(2), 49–73. Retrieved from