Impact of Uncertainty in Climate Change Data on Hydropower Generation from Dam Reservoirs in Arid Regions: A Review


  • Halah Kadhim Tayyeh College of Engineering, Al-Qasim Green University, 51002 Babylon, Iraq
  • Ruqayah Mohammed Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Babylon University, Hilla, Iraq
  • Ahmed Mageed Hussein Center for the Restoration of Iraqi Marshes and Wetlands - Ministry of Water Resources


Climate Change, Hydropower generation, Uncertainty, Arid and Semi‑Arid, Modeling.


Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in interest in renewable energy, which is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Hydroelectric power production is directly related to the regional hydrological conditions of a watershed and is sensitive to variations in water availability throughout the year. The impacts of climate change on the hydrologic cycle have received much attention in studies that consider complex, interactive issues. This paper focuses on water resources for power production, which can be estimated based on river basin discharge. There is uncertainty about how climate change will affect hydropower development on various scales, including the global, national, and regional levels. Despite being a global phenomenon, climate change has different effects on hydropower generation at various spatial scales. The different degrees of uncertainty are based on regional geography and local hydrological conditions. This explains the requirement for thoroughly examining how climate change will impact hydropower generation locally or globally. Additionally, it aims to offer a range of strategies for reducing the effects of climate change on hydropower production and guaranteeing the sustainability of the global energy system under climate change to assist decision-makers.


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How to Cite

Kadhim Tayyeh, H. ., Mohammed, R. ., & Mageed Hussein, A. . (2024). Impact of Uncertainty in Climate Change Data on Hydropower Generation from Dam Reservoirs in Arid Regions: A Review. Journal of Water Resources and Geosciences, 3(2), 101–118. Retrieved from