Evaluation of Groundwater in Karbala Governorate/ Central of Iraq


  • Ahmed Nadhim Kawir National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water Resources
  • Zeyad Jamil Kittan National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water Resources
  • Mustafa Walid Abdul Latif National Center for Water Resources Management - Ministry of Water Resources.


     Karbala Governorate is located between latitudes (32°10' 00'' - 32°50' 00''), longitudes (43°10' 00'' - 44°20' 00''). The area of the region is (5201) km2. The governorate is divided based on geological and hydrogeological specifications into: The first region the desert area, located in the west of Karbala Governorate, bordered to the east by Razzazah Lake and to the west by the borders of Al Anbar Governorate. The main aquifers in this region are Dammam and Umm Er Radhuma aquifers. The depths of the wells that penetrate the Dammam aquifer range from (100 - 120) m, and the depths of the wells in the areas that penetrate the Dammam and Umm Er Radhuma aquifers reach (250) m. The second region is located between the Karbala Plateau to the east and the border of the desert to the west. The northern part of this region is Al Razzazah Lake, and in the south, the Dammam aquifer extends within the borders of Najaf Governorate. The depths of the wells range between (200 - 220) m. The Dammam aquifer is considered the main aquifer in this region and its confined type. The third region is the Karbala Plateau (Dibdiba Basin), where groundwater is found within the Dibdiba Formation. The maximum thickness of this formation is about (70) m. As for the fourth region, it is the sedimentary plain region, which includes the lands located east of Karbala city and Razzaza Lake to the Euphrates River. It consists of sand, silt and clay.


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How to Cite

Nadhim Kawir, A. ., Jamil Kittan, Z. ., & Walid Abdul Latif, M. . (2024). Evaluation of Groundwater in Karbala Governorate/ Central of Iraq. Journal of Water Resources and Geosciences, 3(2), 134–151. Retrieved from https://jwrg.gov.iq/index.php/jwrg/article/view/110