Rainwater and greywater harvesting for water conservation in buildings, "With potential application to university gardens"


  • Armin Sarkis Khosrof Markaryan University of Basrah, College of Engineering, Architecture Department
  • Farah Ahmed Thiab University of Basrah, College of Engineering, Architecture Department


In recent years, many countries have adopted the principles of sustainability, to preserve the Natural Resources for future generations, most important of which is water, given it challenges in the region, this research delves into the key techniques for rationalizing water consumption. A knowledge gap was identified in the existing literature: the underutilization of rainwater and air conditioning condensate for irrigation purposes. This formed the primary research problem.

   This research aimed to propose a system for collecting and reusing rainwater and greywater (air conditioning condensate), thereby reducing conventional water consumption. These two techniques were chosen to cover most seasons of the year. A scientific methodology was employed to calculate the potential water savings from implementing these techniques. The University of Basrah's College of Engineering has been chosen as a model to apply this technology to one of its buildings (Architecture Department). The study calculated the flat surface area of the building's roof and the amount of water that could be conserved if this technology were implemented. It also suggested practical locations for tanks and ways to connect them to the drainage system. Additionally, the study explored the possibility of utilizing water from air conditioning units in the department. Given that Basra City has high humidity levels during the summer, these units discharge a significant amount of water on some days. The research concluded that this technology could be applied to university buildings to conserve water and reduce the damage caused by water waste. It was found that the total amount of rainwater that could have been collected over five years for the College of Engineering at Basra University was 169,267.571 cubic meters, with an average rainfall of 7.34748 mm. Therefore, the research recommends the use of these technologies to preserve alternative water resources and utilize them more effectively.


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How to Cite

Sarkis Khosrof Markaryan, A. ., & Ahmed Thiab , F. (2024). Rainwater and greywater harvesting for water conservation in buildings, "With potential application to university gardens". Journal of Water Resources and Geosciences, 3(2), 152–168. Retrieved from https://jwrg.gov.iq/index.php/jwrg/article/view/111