Estimate the actual evaporation of Lake Habbaniyah under conditions of changing climatic conditions
Lake Habbaniyah's , (SWAT)Model, and MODIS,DEMAbstract
Given the limited water imports resulting from the establishment of dams on river streams under conditions of climate change, which has had a significant impact on dam operating policies and the difficulty of meeting both agricultural and industrial human use requirements. The aim of this study is to estimate the losses from Habbaniyah Lake as a result of annual water evaporation by applying SWAT model and relying on MODIS satellite data. Annual climate information was collected and through the digital height model, Al-Habbaniyah Lake's enclave is planned. In addition, soil and land uses of the study area were classified to determine the values of the curve number. Climate data were use for 2021 until 2023. By simulating the SWAT model results, the annual evaporation rate of Lake El Habbaniyah was observed at approximately 2,000 mm. It was also seen by calibrating the evaporation values derived from the model with the values obtained from the MODIS satellite converging to a value of 94%. The results illustrated that an increase in evaporation values in the recent years due to the lack of large quantities of rain as well as high temperatures. Finally, the study concluded that there has been a shortage in water in recent the years for the period from 2021 to 2023. This loss causes the deprivation of 177 ha of agricultural land with water revenues, which needs to be addressed and strengthened in times of flooding and used to fill the deficit of water needs in time of the drought.
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