The capacity of productive lands and the suitability of the land for irrigating some soils adjacent to the southern sea of Najaf - Iraq


  • Mustafa Khaled Al-Ani National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water Resources, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ali Hussein Ibrahim Al-Bayati College of Agriculture - University of Anbar. Iraq


The study area was selected in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Governorate, in a manner adjacent to the southern part of the Najaf Sea, with an area of ​​(17150.5 hectares), located between longitudes 425594E and 445138E, and latitudes 3521842N and (UTM) 3538169N, covering the types of soils and their geomorphological units located within the sedimentary environment of the Najaf Sea. During which he carried out a semi-detailed survey of the area selected for study by adopting the networking method and based on the results of tissue examination and the depth of ground water, ten different sites were selected geographically determined using a GPS device.

The results showed the classification of the lands of the study area and according to the determinants of productivity. It indicated that the fourth category constituted the highest percentage of the total area (48.19%), while the first category did not exceed (5.23%). The following determinants were recorded, namely texture, drainage and gypsum percentage, which confirms the need to take the necessary administrative measures when exploiting these lands for agricultural purposes in the future.

As for the results of classifying the suitability of the area’s lands for irrigation, it was shown that both types N2, N1 formed most of the area at a rate of (89.57%), and that the observed determinants were salinity, drainage, calcium carbonate ratio and its overlap, in addition to the tissue type determinant, which confirms taking the necessary measures for irrigation when using these lands. in the future.


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How to Cite

alani, mustafa, & Al-Bayati , A. H. I. . (2022). The capacity of productive lands and the suitability of the land for irrigating some soils adjacent to the southern sea of Najaf - Iraq. Journal of Water Resources and Geosciences, 1(2), 101–117. Retrieved from