Analysis of water quality for irrigation purposes in the lower Diyala River using the IWQG software


  • Riyadh Mudhaeher Salih National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry ofWater Resources, Baghdad 10045, Iraq
  • Oula Nuri Ibrahim National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water Resources, Iraq


The Water Quality Index (WQI) simplified concept is a way of integrating complex water quality data into a single value or statement. The current work is analysis and assessment of water quality downstream of Diyala River - Iraq in August 2019 using IWQG irrigation water quality guidelines software for irrigation purposes, using the IWQI model developed in Brazil by Meireles et. the. (2010), this indicator can be reflected by soil salinity, viscosity hazards, water toxicity to plants, and diverse effects on salt-sensitive crops. Eight regions along the river were collected, and these samples were analyzed. It has six parameters which are (EC), (Ca + 2), (Mg + 2), (Na + 1), (HCO3-1), and (Cl-1). The results showed that all study sites have  few restrictions for agricultural use except for the site of the old Diyala Bridge and the site of downstream al-Rustamia, as the water quality index for these two sites has moderate restrictions for agricultural use, meaning that the quality of the river water is suitable for the irrigated soil on both sides of the river even if it is clayey. Heavy texture), and soil sodium problem does not occur. The software outputs recommended using the drip irrigation method for trees and vegetables to avoid direct contact of this water with crop. The researchers also recommend the IWQG irrigation water quality guidelines software as a good and efficient tool for evaluating water quality, providing recommendations and solutions for water management, and facilitating the task of evaluating water systems for agricultural purposes.


دراوملا ةرازو


ةنسل قارعلا يف ةسيئرلا راهنلأا هايم ةيعون ةسارد



، مولس متاح ، حلاص و رابجلا دبع ، الخ

, رابج رامع قازرلا دبع و داوج نامز ايلخ

.ةيئاملا دراوملا ةرادلإ ي

نطولا زكرملا ،


ةيئاملا تاقلاطلأا ةدايز ةرتف يف ةلجدو ىلايد يرهن هايم ةيعون ةسارد ,

نيرمح دس رخؤم نم



يداه ليمج , دايج

.ةيئاملا دراوملا ةرادلإ ينطولا زكرملا ،

ةيئاملا دراوملا ةرازو


قفوم ءارسإ ، بجر


( ددعلا


ةايحلا مولع



/ نيرمح دس برق ىلايد رهن هايمل ةيوايميكلاو ةيويازيفلا تاف لا ,



ماعل دادغب

ءام عيراشم ذخأم دنع ةلجد رهن هايمل يجولورتكبلا ثولتلا تاددحم ضعب ةسارد ,



( .يرون لاع,ميهاربأ .ديمح دايأ سابع

.ةير نتسملا ةعماجلا ،

بادلأا دادم ةلجم


ينطولا زكرملا.

.ةيئاملا دراوملا ةرادلا

ةيئاملا دراوملا ةرازو .

ىلايد لفسأ ةقطنمل هايملا ةيعون ةسارد .)

ةئيبلا ةرازو

.ةيمتيسرلا يرايجم ةيف ت عورشم

لاح عييقاو مييييقتو ةييسارد

( ،


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How to Cite

Salih, R., & Ibrahim, O. N. . (2022). Analysis of water quality for irrigation purposes in the lower Diyala River using the IWQG software . Journal of Water Resources and Geosciences, 1(1), 35–52. Retrieved from