Studying the Impact of Climate Change on the Evapotranspiration and Water Use Efficiency of Wheat Crop in Iraq


  • Saadi Sattar Shahadha College of Energy and Environmental Sciences, Al-Karkh University of Science, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Suhair L. Zeki Ministry of Water Resources, Iraq
  • Riyadh M. Salih National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry ofWater Resources, Baghdad 10045, Iraq
  • Ahmed H. Salim National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water Resources, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ibrahim A. Dawood Ministry of Water Resources, Iraq


Finding appropriate adaptation strategies to climate change in Iraq become necessary, especially, regarding the growth and productivity of strategic crops by focusing on modern irrigation systems. This study aims to discover appropriate field irrigation strategies to adapt to climatic changes in terms of high air temperature and low relative humidity. The study was conducted at Al-Raeeid Research Station during the winter season of 2020-2021. The land was divided into sprinkler and surface irrigation. In this study, the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM2) was used. Three different modeling scenarios were applied which are normal weather data, increasing the temperature by 2 degrees, and increasing the temperature by 2 degrees with decreasing the relative humidity by 0.2. The modeling was performed independently for each scenario. The results showed that the actual evapotranspiration increased under the sprinkler irrigation for the T and T&H climate scenarios by 2% and 4%, respectively, and under the surface irrigation, the evapotranspiration increase was 4% and 11% for climate scenarios of T and T&H, respectively. The yield of wheat under the sprinkler irrigation system decreased by 6% and 14% under the influence of T and T&H scenarios, respectively. The results also showed a decrease in the water use efficiency of wheat by 7% and 17% under the influence of T and T&H scenarios, respectively, for sprinkler irrigation. Whereas, for the surface irrigation system, the water use efficiency decreased by 6% and 9% under the influence of T and T&H scenarios, respectively.


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How to Cite

Shahadha , S. S., Zeki , S. L. ., Salih, R., Salim, A. H. ., & Dawood , I. A. . (2022). Studying the Impact of Climate Change on the Evapotranspiration and Water Use Efficiency of Wheat Crop in Iraq. Journal of Water Resources and Geosciences, 1(2), 118–130. Retrieved from