Study seasonal changes in concentration of some heavy metals in Carasobarbus luteus of southern Iraq marshes



  • Basim M. Al-Thahaibawi Directorate Environment of Maysan, Iraqi Ministry of Environment
  • Kadhim H. Younis Department of Marine Vertebrates, Marine Sciences Center, University of Basrah, Iraq
  • Ghassan A. Al-Najare Department of Marine Vertebrates, Marine Sciences Center, University of Basrah, Iraq


Bioaccumulation, Fish, Heavy metals, Marsh, Iraq.



The concentration of heavy metals (cadmium, cobalt , copper , iron , nickel and manganese was measured in the muscles of the Carasobarbus luteus using a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The average length of fish samples was (198.7) mm, and the average weight of fish samples was (105.31) gm. The results showed the highest average of concentration metals (cadmium, cobalt, copper, and iron) were (19.59, 25.05, 17.52, and 72.37) µg/g (dry weight), respectively, in the Eastern Al-Hammar marsh, whereas the highest average of concentration metals (nickel, and manganese) were (59.24, and 11.08) µg/g (dry weight), respectively, in the Al-Hawizeh marsh during the study period.


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How to Cite

Althahaibawi, B., Younis , K. H. ., & Al-Najare, G. A. . (2025). Study seasonal changes in concentration of some heavy metals in Carasobarbus luteus of southern Iraq marshes : hes . Journal of Water Resources and Geosciences, 4(1), 160–180. Retrieved from